Welcome to Clubs Plus!
Every Club or Group or Organisation needs money.
And every business needs customers and support.
Clubs Plus was created to bring the two together.
Club Members can register, for free, to use the app.
Business owners can register, for free, to use the app.
But if they want to advertise their business, there is a yearly fee to pay. And half of what they pay goes to their Club – or thier Primary Affiliation.
What does it cost the Club? A small set-up fee. That’s all.
What work do the Club Members have to do? Nothing – except advertise on their socials or in their newsletters or tell their customers.
Where else are you going to raise money for a club without having to work like a trojan?
Certainly not at a Bunnings BBQ (although we all love eating those sausages while shopping!!).
Certainly not at a Trivia Night.
Let’s carry on the Shop Local movement and encourage our members to support the businesses of our fellow members. Who knows? You might just need a sparky and the person who’s child is on your time might just be that person.
Half of every dollar paid by a business goes tothe Primary Affiliate they select. Paid into the Affiliates account at the end of each month, or a time agreed upon with the Affiliate.
Register now and if you don’t see your Club in the List of Affiliates, let me know and I’ll get in touch with them.
Thanks for supporting your Club.